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The Cure for StarlingX FOMO at Open Infrastructure Summit

By Jeff Gowan on 2019/05/22

FOMO, for those who are unfamiliar, stands for "fear of missing out." If you weren't able to attend the summit, or perhaps even if you did, some StarlingX "FOMO" could be understandable. After all, StarlingX made a strong showing at the Summit this year, with more than 15 sessions that covered aspects of the project from general overview down to technical details and community building. It even garnered a mention in the keynote from Intel’s Melissa Evers-Hood. When she displayed a logo chart of contributors she shared an anecdote about one of them. She said one of the contributors told her, “I was going to do a competitive analysis of StarlingX…vs. the other projects that provide a hardened edge cloud…then realized there are no comparisons.”

Fortunately the conference recorded many sessions at the Summit and they are available online - so you don't have to miss out. Below are 5 StarlingX sessions for you to view on-demand. As you view these we invite you to "double-click" into the topics that you find most interesting. There are some suggestions for joining the conversation at the end.

Now, without further ado, here are the sessions recorded for you. Enjoy.

StarlingX: Hardened Managed Kubernetes Platform for the Edge

StarlingX has evolved to provide a hardened managed Kubernetes platform targeted for Edge-computing. This presentation includes an overview of the solution including: integration with StarlingX platform services for deployment and life cycle management of the Kubernetes cluster, integration with OpenStack Keystone for authentication/authorization, the StarlingX one and two node solutions, two node master implementation and integrated Ceph cluster. The reduced footprint offerings are a key enabler for Edge use cases. Optional deployment of a containerized openstack application on top of this hardened Kubernetes Platform for hosting VM-based applications are also be covered. Lastly, this presentation includes a great demo of the platform capabilities.

StarlingX - Project Update

Project Updates cover the latest changes in the project. See what's new in the latest release, and what you can expect to see from the project in the upcoming release.

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) on StarlingX

StarlingX is a complete cloud infrastructure software stack for the edge used by the most demanding applications in industrial IOT, telecom, video delivery and other ultra-low latency use cases. In order to meet these use-cases, StarlingX has an integrated solution for supporting the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) as the primary clock source to provide sub-microsecond accuracy to the application.  This presentation and demo shows the PTP deployment architecture and demonstrates the clocking accuracy within StarlingX.

Edge Computing Group’s MVP Architecture - StarlingX making it real!

While the definition of Edge Computing might still need some clarification throughout the industry, we all agree that there will not be a one-size-fits-all solution to fulfill the requirements of every use case under this category. The OSF Edge Computing Group is gathering use cases from various industry segments to understand the needs and requirements better when it comes to infrastructure software. Based on our learnings the working group has defined the reference architectures to drive the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the most common Edge deployments. We're working with OpenStack and StarlingX project teams to fill the gaps in relevant platform components. During this video you will learn about the background and stage of the MVP reference architecture work and get a highlight on what comes next. To connect this activity to the real world you will also learn how StarlingX adopted the ‘Distributed Control Plane Scenario’ of this architecture and the ongoing work items to fulfill the requirements it demands.

Getting a new Open Source Project off the ground – the StarlingX story

The StarlingX project was launched a short year ago.  The community has made tremendous progress in establishing governance, releasing a first release and forming a community of contributors.  We have lots more to accomplish as a community, but, this talk focuses on the lessons learned over the first year and how we plan to grow the community going forward. We will explore the governance, the life of a pilot project sponsored by the OSF, the wonderful help from that the foundation has provided, how teams with and without experience in open source rose to the challenge and are now working in a full upstream first model.  Going forward we will discuss how the technical and marketing teams need to work together promote the community.  The challenges of attracting new developers – organic vs in-organic growth. You will come away with some ideas on what to do and what not to do during the early life of a project along with some ideas on how to have some fun along the way.

Did you learn something interesting in these videos and want more information? Here are a couple of ways you can join the conversation:

Thanks for watching. Hope to see you in the project.